
Its been a couple of weeks since I’ve written the newsletter, having been ultra busy at the butchery lately, and it’s something I actually missed doing! This week, I would like to spend some time introducing you to some of our team.

They are the troopers who get all our packaging ready and stamp and sticker all our bags, get the recipe sleeves counted and ready, and assemble the silver boxes, ready for the produce to go in. My sister Bethelle (not pictured, she’s behind the camera) organises the girls each week and has them raring to go each Wednesday and Thursday, to have all the packaging organised by Friday. It’s a mammoth task, as I am sure you could imagine. The team consists of Briar, who is my little sister, Flick, who is a lifelong friend of Briar’s and our family, and Kate’s cousin Greta. 

Greta, Briar & Flick

All three girls have really mastered the art of getting all our packaging branded and ready to go, as well as helping to do flyer drops and all sorts of other little jobs, that help ease the burden for the rest of the team. Outside of work, between the three of them, they are Special Olympic swimmers, and amazingly talented ten pin bowlers! I would personally like to thank them for their contribution each week, and I would also like to thank Bethelle, for all the extra hard work, organising them, getting the girls motivated for work and keeping them enjoying what they do. It really is a case of no job being too small or unimportant, as without these awesome ladies, we really wouldn’t be able to spend the extra time ensuring the rest is as good as it possibly can be.

The menu this week again looks amazing, and Kate has had some great flavours coming through. We have an issue with some citrus turning very quickly, but rest assured we are onto this and will be looking to have that rectified now. Also, if you would like a Xmas box, please place your order soon, as we are starting to get close to our limit (only about 15 left), so make sure you get in touch via email to secure one. I hope you have a great week, and enjoy the menu.

Happy Eating,

– Paul
